Sunday, January 7, 2018

Project Management

Project Management is the one course that I have been looking forward to taking.  I feel as though my career has brought me to this point and I have so many examples of projects I have participated in, led and want to start.  However, what I really want at this point in my career, is to assign individuals to be the project managers on specific projects.

So far, I have worked on a massive college-wide initiative called Molloy 2020: A Vision for the Future that began with a listening tour in Fall of 2014.  The president and I listened to over 500 employees and created 25 task forces to find out how to best move forward with the 25 themes identified by the employees of the College as priorities for the College going forward.

This process opened up new relationships as well as trust among employees.  It also began our strategic planning process for our 2020 Strategic Plan.  Five years later, we are still working on priorities that were suggested by our employees.  However, what we need now is better planning and processes to bring things to implementation.

I am looking forward to taking this course so I can chart the path for how we will move forward with some of these key priorities for the College.

Here, take a look:  Molloy 2020

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