Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Persuasive Spirituality

Since I was given the opportunity to express my opinion on whom I would like to emulate as a spiritual role model, I am happy to say, my friend, Dr. Maureen Carey.

Dr. Carey is a professor of social work at Molloy College and possesses many of the qualities I aspire to be when considering my own spirituality.  Dr. Carey is also an artist and shares her talents with everyone at the College by holding artful meditation workshops on campus several times a year.  She invites all constituents to these workshops that offer contemplation of spirit and opportunity for expression through a practice called "dropping color" with watercolors, allowing the paint to dry and then doodling or creating artful images over the watercolors to create a pen and ink overlay.  It's an amazing spiritual and meditative practice that centers my soul and my mind.  This is especially helpful during times of stress at work. Dr. Carey has been a continual spiritual mentor for me of which I am forever grateful

Dr. Carey, a former Dominican Sister, meditates through prayer every single morning before beginning her day's journey. She has also published a book entitled "The Artful Journal:  A Spiritual Quest," available on  It was written "for artists seeking their inner spirit...promotes the relationship between spirituality and creativity by using several methods of meditation, painting and writing." 

I wish I was more attentive to my own needs and practiced some form of active contemplation everyday.  I do pray every morning and every evening but it is not as deliberate or as purposeful as I would like it to be.  It comes naturally, which is great but something is missing.  I keep distracting myself with work, volunteer, home or family obligations (in no particular order) and feel like I am cheating myself from something extremely valuable to my spirit.  I will work on this and more exercise, which is also contemplative to me when I swim 70-80 laps at a time - I become one with the water during that exercise - it is truly amazing!  Perhaps when I finish this degree, but that is an excuse - I have to do it.

By practicing this and other forms of meditation, I can greatly enhance my own spirituality, which has a direct connection to my leadership.  These are the things that center me as a human being and provide the necessary balance to model the person that only I can portray.

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