Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Role Modelling and Final Analysis of Personal and Organizational Spirituality

I totally forgot about my initial post on my ethical and spiritual role models when I wrote my final paper.  Ironically, or not, two of the individuals I mention in my final paper are the exact two I mention in my initial blog post, my dad and my boss.

This course has allowed for me to think long and hard about ethics and spirituality and how these two individuals have helped guide me along life's journey.

My daily intentions will be filled with "thank you" moments to thank everyone for what they have taught me along the road to self-discovery and transcendence to a higher spiritual self; one who centers myself and awakens my inner -consciousness before I react or address a situation that gives me a reason to pause and ask myself questions to help me respond in an ethical and moral manner.

Thank you to everyone who has helped develop me as a spiritual human being.  I bring you with me everyday no matter where I go. 

Below, is a video of my final presentation that outlines my analysis of personal and organizational spirituality.  I

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Personal Spirituality at Work

I am very lucky.

Everyday, I go to work in an environment that allows for personal spirituality and an integrated approach to organizational spirituality.

I bring my whole self.

I grow.

I learn.

I mature.

I teach.

I experience connectedness with others at work.

My self-esteem rises.

My ability to contribute is honored.

I work in a positive environment.

We are an other-centered organization.

I experience total work rewards satisfaction.

We experience the "spillover theory."

We have spiritual congruence.

We are Catholic.

I am Catholic.

We are socially responsible; what we do on the inside also impacts what takes place on the outside

Spirituality is a positive motivator and predictor.

We feel connected - all the time.

I am lucky.

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Integrating Spirituality at Work through Ethical and Servant Leadership

How lucky am I to work in an environment where spirituality is an everyday occurrence.  All of us, as employees and students, have ample opportunities to not only share our spirituality but live it through various ways.  We have daily mass, opportunities for meditation, service projects, including feeding the homeless and countless other options.  We also have a mission statement and values system that all of us reflect upon in our daily work.  We also have a president who is a servant-leader and walks the talk.  He models the behavior he expects from all of us, from ethical and moral decision-making to holding the door for anyone who is in our path. I have been working in Catholic higher education for 22 years and plan on doing so for another 10 years.