Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Listening and The Power of Praise and Positive Interactions

I have the distinct pleasure of supervising three very talented individuals, each of whom have different skill sets, strengths and areas in need of development.  I find it part of my responsibility as their supervisor to provide a positive work environment full of opportunities for dialog, listening, and feedback.

I can honestly say that there have been times where I was grabbing at straws to try and praise them for a job well done but they came up short.  What I should have done was praise the process or approach they took to work towards the outcome and will pay more attention to that technique the next time I catch myself not praising them.

Granted, I will not and never do give too much praise or fake praise - that is counterproductive.  On the positive side, I have had the pleasure in the past month to praise each one of them for jobs very well done.  I give higher praise if learning curves are reached and achievements are made in professional development goals. One of my favorite things as a supervisor is to witness growth in the employees who trust me to guide them and encourage them to think outside of their comfort zones and allow room for learning opportunities.

Here is a good example by Jeff Haden The 9 Elements of Highly Effective Employee Praise on how to praise your employees.  The quote below is my favorite:

"Treat employees like snowflakes.

Every employee responds differently to recognition. Many appreciate public praise. Others cringe if they’re made the center of attention. Know your employees and tailor your recognition so it produces the greatest impact for each individual."
Please click on this link if you would like to read more about The Power of Praise and Recognition

You can also learn how to give praise in different situations by clicking on this link from The Muse:  How to Pay Someone a Compliment Without Sounding Like an Insincere Suck Up

Here's a great video as well on giving praise to an employee.  A positive work environment is key:

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