Friday, March 31, 2017


According to Raj Tulsiani in Understanding the Business Benefits of Cognitive Diversity, "a culture where diverse thinking flourishes can [also] mitigate the risk of groupthink...the tendency of people of similar cultural backgrounds and characteristics to conform with accepted norms and patterns of behavior, rather than challenging the status quo..." can lead to innovation.  He also believes that diversity of thought can fuel the power of collective difference.

What does this mean?  In the world of today, it is so important to seek a broad knowledge of understanding by inquiry and really listening to others' points of view.  People come from different cultural backgrounds and diversity of thought and in order to gain respect and a deeper understanding of the world, it is imperative that we listen and learn about how others are approaching the same world we share.  Diversity of thought should be embraced, appreciated and incorporated into everyone's daily lives.  This would allow for a more empathetic society.  We have differing opinions but what we do with those makes all the difference.  I am lucky enough to work in an environment where I am able to not only think this way but witness others thinking this way.

I grew up in a strict Irish Catholic home and went to Catholic schools my entire life.  As a matter of fact, I am currently enrolled in a Catholic college.  Collectively, I can attribute 33 of my 58 years on this earth as being enrolled in Catholic educational institutions.  I say this because while one could say I am a product of "groupthink," I will tell you I used to feel that way.  I followed the path of least resistance most of my childhood until I reached high school, where I started to challenge the status quo.  However, during my challenges to the expected norms, I was able to continue to follow my faith and apply the many characteristics of my upbringing to every relationship I made and continue to make to this day.  While most of these years were spent with the influence of the Dominican Sisters of Amityville, they have taught me to listen, learn and ask the right questions on my path of self-discovery.  This clearly supports the thoughts of Marilee Adams in Lines of Inquiry"we get the greatest mileage by asking the right questions...The learning questions will lead to discovery,intimacy and understanding."

MARKETING || Using stories to support your messaging in all of your marketing will help you sell your message, your products & services.

Storytelling for Business: Why Stories Sell

Jo Tyler says, "If you don't have a story to tell, switch from storytelling to story listening and to slow down so you can really listen."  If I have learned anything from this week's coursework, it is to listen with intent.  This helped me through the coaching exercises as well.  While I like to consider myself a mentor, I will became a better mentor this week.  The 3-minute listening exercise was the most valuable.  I always had a fear of forgetting what people told me if I didn't write it down or ask questions during the conversation.  What the 3 minutes of listening did for me was give me breathing room and gained trust from the person who was telling me their story.  I also learned to focus my own story on sticking to the topic and having a purpose to my story.  This made my stories more interesting and easy to follow for my listeners.  I also felt "heard" when I was not interrupted during that 3-minute timespan.

All of these past and current experiences have led me to where I am today.  I am grateful for the storytelling opportunities with my classmates and the insight into other people's lives.

One final thought:  Below is a visual outlining the important aspects of listening, using your "whole" body. If we listen with all of our senses and have positive body language, the person we are communicating with will feel a sense of trust.


Adams, Marile. (December 2004). Lines of Inquiry. Navigations: Life Balance. Pp. 76 - 78.

Tulsiani, Raj. Understanding the Business Benefits of Cognitive Diversity (June 2013). HR Magazine

Tyler, Jo, Ed.D.: Beauty and Danger: When Leaders Should Not Tell Stories (Video 15:29)

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