Friday, April 14, 2017

NBI Profile - Influencer

Enthusiasm, action and collaboration are key strengths of an influencer.  I am considered an influencer.  These attributes engage people to want to get involved and be a part of any type of new or innovative change in an organization.  Influencers would make great mentors for millennials, who seek acceptance, supportive leadership and an inclusive environment.  This approach "leverages every individual's passion, commitment and innovation and elevates employee engagement, empowerment and authenticity," says Lydia Dishman.  According to Raj Tylsiani, "a culture where diverse thinking flourishes can also mitigate the use of 'groupthink.'"

The NBI exercise has confirmed for me many attributes I was already aware of; some being more in the forefront than others.  Sometimes I do find myself working against my preferences because I need to pay attention to those things that hold me back from being a successful leader.  For example, my enthusiastic approach to every project can be off-putting to others and since I have recently learned that I could be perceived as reckless, I will definitely slow down and try to take a more systematic approach to projects I work on.

However, at other times, I am working within my preference as a team leader and collaborator.  I am skilled at getting groups together and brainstorming.  This has enhanced my popularity as I am a change-agent and value innovative thinking and ideas. I am also goal-oriented, which appeals to those who may think differently than me.  Those individuals are very important to the success of my teams as they help drive me to completion of a project.

According to Einstein's way of thinking, as outlined in Iain McGilchrist's video, The Divided Brain, we are spending more time honoring the rational mind as a faithful servant rather than embracing our intuitive mind and allowing for more dialog to take place resulting in the attainment of more knowledge.  After watching this video, I have now expanded my understanding of right and left brain activity and the importance of the need for both hemispheres of the brain to work in conjunction with each other.  This allows for the closed system of self-serving perfection and manipulation (virtual) from the left side of the brain to be influenced by the important use of relational (real) wisdom from the right brain.

"Getting a better understanding of yourself is the first step to becoming more effective when working with others," states DISC on their website. It is especially helpful when communicating with other individuals. This has helped me further understand my view of others and their view of me, including my expectations and the ability to self-correct in response to cues picked up from other people's body language.  I am an enthusiastic and welcoming person, who sometimes only sees my side of things.  By becoming more attentive and a better listener, I have created an environment where I have gained trust from my colleagues.  This is helping me to become more authentic, which is very important to me.  I can be perceived as too self-assured and outspoken so I need to be careful in this area so people don't take my opinions as personal attacks.  Through this process, I have learned to give people time to speak and show them that I care about what they have to say.

Two ways in which I can increase my performance effectiveness as a leader would be to:

1. Respond quickly with a direct approach when a problem occurs so it does not become a bigger problem

2. Slow down so people have a chance to process what is taking place; allow time for silence so people can put their thoughts together

These are two tactics that I will use to enhance my leadership capacity as I continue to grow as a leader. The learning needs to continue and has been noticed by my staff.  One individual, who has worked with me for seven years, has recently commented on my growth as a leader.  She shared with me the aspects of my growth and how proud she is to be a part of this growth.  This is a gift from my colleague that helps me appreciate where I have come from and the positive effects of the hard work I have been putting into my growth as a leader.


     Dishman, Lydia.  Millennials Have a Definition of Diversity and Inclusion (May 2015). Fast Company

     Tylsiani, Raj.  Understanding the Business Benefits of Cognitive Diversity (June 2013). HR Magazine

McGilchrist, Ian.  The Divided Brain (video).


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